The Demolisher stars Ry Barrett (Kingdom Come, Ejecta), Tianna Nori (Bite), Jessica Vano (Crackerhead), and Duncan McLellan (“Arrow”).Tormented by a crippling sense of responsibility for his disabled wife, Samantha (Nori), an ex-policewoman, seemingly ordinary cable repairman Bruce (Barrett; Winner: Best Male Lead, 2015 Fantastic Planet Film Festival) channels his sense of injustice into a dark path of vigilantism. Donning riot gear and taking to the streets to right the seemingly infinite number of wrongs committed every day, Bruce becomes The Demolisher, a one-man wrecking ball tearing through a neon-lit city blighted by crime and hatred.
As his tenuous grasp on reality weakens with each foray into the urban decay that surrounds him, Bruce’s rage eventually reaches a boiling point that may cost him his own life as well as the lives of the innocent he thought he was protecting.
This movie is a hyper-stylistic meditation on vigilantes, trauma, and urban decay. Interesting side note: Carrer walked away from a promising career as a violin virtuoso so that he could commit himself to filmmaking. Those who enjoy revenge films will be grateful for the choice he made.