Not a genre fan? That seems far-fetched since you’re on this website…but who knows?! Stranger things have happened. I can say that it’s likely that someone close to you hasn’t yet discovered just how fun being scared via screen can be. What’s the best way to turn a normie? This week our staff presents to you…starter horror selections.
Tucker & Dale vs. Evil

Two loveable oafs tuck away to their cabin in the woods for a relaxing vacation when they run into a group of preppy teens who mistake them for creepy hillbilly murderers. Tucker and Dale vs Evil is the epitome of “things going hilariously wrong” and is an absolute laugh out loud delight from start to finish. Fans of Scream or Scary Movie will be absolutely blown away by this.
-Lona Zhao
Night of the Living Dead (1968)

If you’re even tangentially interested in horror, you’ve probably heard this movie’s title before. But have you actually seen it? A black and white movie from 1968 isn’t high up on most casual movie-goers watchlist. However, this movie lays the groundwork for zombie films, and Hell, all modern horror in general. A true classic, that anyone and everyone who wants to venture into horror should see.
-Jacob Sever
House (1986)

After his son goes missing and his wife leaves him, horror novelist Roger Cobb moves into his deceased aunt’s house and begins experiencing some strange sights. Floating yard tools, a re-animated sturgeon, and a closet full of war demons. Are these Vietnam flashbacks or is this haunted house a portal to Roger’s personal Hell. Check out 1986’s House for a horror comedy cult classic. Stay tuned for a full 666 character throwback review this Thursday.
-Danny West
The Guest (2014)

If you loved Dan Stevens in Downton Abbey, I want you to take that mental image you have of this prim and proper gentleman, and throw it in the trash. The Guest asks the question, “what if your brother’s hot friend was actually a mysterious super soldier with a dubious past and questionable intentions?” Oh, and your mom has invited him to stay indefinitely. Stevens shines during scenes of quick, well-choreographed violence, all culminating in a groovy Halloween dance.
-Felicia Schembari
Child’s Play (1988)

This is the movie that gave me nightmares as a kid… but that might’ve just been because my brother had a My Little Buddy doll and I didn’t want to get murdered. Child’s Play is a fun piece of horror history that also serves as a lighthearted entry point for newcomers. The series has hits and misses (and a reboot), but the first one is great. If Slappy the Dummy got under your skin, give Chucky a go.
-Alex P.