BIG NEWS, friends!
In response to requests from our awesome listeners for more content, and we have teamed up with BREW to bring you two new exciting projects!

• It’s Been a Weird Week will bring you weekly news like you’ve never experienced before. Captain Kelly, true crime addict Byron, and Skeptical Sam will team up to keep you informed on the latest and greatest creepy stories from around the world – true crime, strange creatures, conspiracies, UFOlogy, ghosts, and all other bizzare current events, from perspectives of both believers and skeptics.

• Through A Conversation With we will dig deeper into the minds of those who create or experience spooky things: directors, actors, ghost hunters, cryptozoologists, researchers, and more! Listeners will have opportunities to submit questions as well!
This content will be exclusively available through the podcast platform, Brew, very soon. Frightday listeners have the opportunity to try out Brew for an extended free trial – keep your eyes peeled for the link for this offer!