Dylan, known to his fans as DJ Dreamcatcher, is on the brink of global stardom. Everything changes the night of Cataclysm, an underground music festival, where two estranged sisters and their friends meet Dylan. After a drug fueled gruesome event, things begin to spiral into a 48-hour whirlwind of violence and mayhem.
Ahhh, so this is what it would look like if Green Room was about EDM instead of punk rock, neo-Nazi skinheads…I guess? Although admittedly I don’t have a direct connection to the electronic music/festival community, my inauthenticity senses are tingling. But that doesn’t mean it won’t make for an intense, scary film. While the trailer leaves me feeling familiar things, according to director Jacob Johnston, ” I only get to tell this story once – and I wanted it to be thrilling and poignant, progressive and innovative — we must not forget that the second enemy of creativity, after having ‘good taste’, is being safe.”
Dreamcatcher will be in theaters and on VOD March 5th, 2021.