Brian O’Malley’s Eerie Irish Horror ‘The Lodgers’ Has a Poster
A gothic ghost story about orphaned twins Edward and Rachel who share a crumbling manor in 1920’s rural Ireland. But they are not alone. They share the house with unseen entities who control them with three absolute rules. As separate fates draw them apart, the twins must face the terrible truth about their family’s ghostly tormentors.
After experiencing O’Malley’s feature length debut Let Us Prey, a supremely fun twist on supernatural siege horror, at the Stanley Film Festival in 2015, excitement is an understatement. I can’t wait to hear what the folks at TIFF say following its premiere on September 8th.
THE LODGERS will also screen on the following dates:
Public – September 9, 2017 / 4:15 PM / Scotiabank 3
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