A Conversation with… Harvey Pratt

Any long time listener of our show would know that one of the things we’re constantly in search of while investigating cryptids is the native perspective. This week we were lucky enough to talk with Harvey Pratt.

A Cheyenne and Arapaho tribal member, Harvey is considered one of the leading forensic artists in the United States, having spent over 50 years in law enforcement, completing thousands of witness description drawings and hundreds of soft tissue reconstructions. He has worked on investigations into the Oklahoma Girl Scout Murders, the Green River killer, BTK, Ted Bundy, Henry Lee Lucas, and more. But this conversation centers around his involvement with David Paulides Hoopa Project where he brought his forensic artistry to the table, sketching witness descriptions of Bigfoot encounters.

To learn more about Harvey, visit https://harveypratt.com

  1. Dear Kelly, Your conversation with Jeff Meldrum was fantastic. All of the elements for a complete and compelling interview came out flawlessly. This podcast with Harvey Pratt was disappointing. It was the most fantastical fairytale like stories with you responding with “wow”.
    Towards the end of the podcast my position reversed about Hoopa Project. Harvey Pratt may have had a role as the face for the first peoples position and been a resource to gain access to first peoples for David Paulides. I now feel there is no way he contributed any meaningful authorship to that project.
    I do not want you to stop interviewing. Frightday podcast are the first place I direct people who want more information on unexplained and supernatural subjects. Kelly, your ability research information and then craft a compelling and entertaining narrative with Byron and Sam is megatons of amazingness!!
    Thank you for the endless hours of knowledge and fun!
    Best Regards
    Jeffrey Vonfeldt

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