Reverend Anderson vows to get more people in pews to battle the demons with fiery sermons. I like that he’s not a perfect arbiter for the church, but a regular, flawed person who wants to save lives. Kyle reminisces about his mother, both the fun times when she was a real parent and the frightening ones when she was an abusive demon. I sympathize with Kyle because he’s lost so much and people still ostracize him. We see just how alone he is when he attempts to care for his unresponsive mother and then desperately attempts to exorcise her once more. Meanwhile, someone is mutilating animals and displaying their remains in the forest in a chilling scene. Is this some other possessed person or something else entirely? A new villain arrives at the end and makes a big impression in his short screen time.
A 666-Character Review Of ‘Outcast: (I Remember) When She Loved Me’